Four of Pentacles

Manifestation JSONLD: four-of-pentacles.jsonld

Four of Pentacles


Type: Minor Arcana (Pentacles)
Element: Earth
Astrological Association: Capricorn
Keywords (Upright): Security, control, stability, material success, boundaries
Keywords (Reversed): Greed, possessiveness, financial insecurity, rigidity


Associated Number: 4
The number 4 symbolizes stability, structure, and foundations. It reflects the need to establish security and build a strong base for future growth.



The Four of Pentacles represents security, control, and stability. It encourages establishing boundaries and valuing what you have, but warns against excessive attachment or possessiveness.

Holding on too tightly in relationships or setting healthy boundaries. This card can indicate a need for balance between security and openness.

A focus on financial security, careful planning, and maintaining control over professional goals. It may also suggest reluctance to take risks.

*** Finances:**
Practicality and saving money. The card advises caution with spending but warns against hoarding or being overly frugal.

*** Spiritual Growth:**
A need to examine your attachment to material or emotional stability. It encourages letting go of fears and embracing trust in the universe.

Emotional Guidance:
Focus on balancing security with openness. Recognize when you are holding on too tightly out of fear.


Reversed, the Four of Pentacles warns of greed, possessiveness, or financial insecurity. It suggests re-evaluating priorities and letting go of unnecessary attachments.

*** Shadow Aspects:**
Clinging to control, fear of change, or unwillingness to share resources. Reversed energy highlights the need for trust and flexibility.

Difficulty in letting go or sharing with others. Fear of loss may be blocking growth and connection.

Release your grip on material or emotional attachments. Trust that security comes from balance, not control.

Historical and Esoteric Background

Traditional Origins:
Historically, the Four of Pentacles has symbolized the pursuit of stability and the challenges of managing wealth and resources.

Evolution of Meaning:
Modern interpretations emphasize the balance between security and flexibility, highlighting the risks of excessive attachment or rigidity.

Mystical Connections:
The Four of Pentacles aligns with the Earth element and Capricorn energy, emphasizing practicality, discipline, and the foundations of material success.

Everyday Relevance

Modern Interpretations:
The Four of Pentacles reminds us to balance security with generosity and flexibility. It highlights the importance of letting go of fear and embracing trust.

Empowering Messages:
You can create a strong foundation while remaining open to growth and change. Trust that true security comes from balance, not control.

Related Cards

Connections Within Deck:
The Four of Pentacles connects to The Emperor (structure and authority), The Chariot (control), and The Ten of Pentacles (legacy and long-term stability).

Thematic Links:
Themes of security and control align with other "Four" cards in the Minor Arcana, emphasizing the foundations of various aspects of life.

The Minor Arcana: Security and Control

The Minor Arcana cards reflect the everyday aspects of life, representing practical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual experiences. The Four of Pentacles highlights security, control, and the delicate balance between stability and possessiveness.

Symbolism and Imagery


The Four of Pentacles depicts a seated figure clutching a pentacle tightly to their chest, with two pentacles under their feet and one balanced on their head. This imagery conveys a sense of control and attachment.

Elements and Their Meanings

  • The Pentacles: Represent material wealth, stability, and security.
  • The Seated Figure: Symbolizes holding on tightly to resources or feelings, reflecting a fear of loss.
  • The Closed Posture: Indicates guardedness, boundaries, or reluctance to let go.
  • The City in the Background: Suggests isolation or separation from community, highlighting the cost of excessive control.


Zodiac/Planetary Association: Capricorn
Astrological Energy:
Capricorn energy emphasizes discipline, responsibility, and the pursuit of long-term stability. It can also highlight the shadow side of materialism and rigidity.


Role in Reading:
The Four of Pentacles often appears when security, control, or boundaries are central themes. It encourages reflection on the balance between stability and flexibility.

Reflection Questions:

  • Am I holding on too tightly to material or emotional resources?
  • How can I create a healthy balance between security and openness?
  • What fears might be driving my desire for control?

Common Misconceptions:
The Four of Pentacles is not solely about money—it also reflects emotional or spiritual boundaries and the need to address fears of loss.

Practical Applications

Working with the Card

Journaling Prompts:

  • What am I holding on to that no longer serves me?
  • How can I create a healthy relationship with material and emotional security?

Meditation or Visualization:
Visualize yourself releasing pentacles into the air, symbolizing freedom from fear and trust in abundance.

Rituals or Affirmations:

  • "I balance security with openness and trust."
  • "I let go of fear and embrace the flow of abundance."

Use in Spreads

The Four of Pentacles is ideal for readings about financial decisions, boundaries, or establishing stability. It encourages careful planning and reflection on priorities.

Creative Explorations

Writing Prompts:

  • Write about a time when you had to balance security with generosity.
  • Imagine yourself as the figure in the card. What are you holding onto, and why?

Art or Creative Projects:
Create an artwork symbolizing the balance between stability and openness. Use imagery of pentacles, closed and open hands, or boundaries.

Connections to Other Divination:
The Four of Pentacles aligns with tools like runes (such as Othala, representing inheritance and stability) or the I Ching hexagrams for security and balance.


By Bow and Arrow Tarot

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